Faith Regional Health Services | living WELL | Fall 2014 - page 11

are like the shock absorbers on your car. You
rely on them to cushion your ride.
But after many miles on the road, wear and tear can reduce the effectiveness
of that cushion and make for a painful journey. And just like the shocks on your
car, you may eventually need to replace your worn-out parts.
When may surgery be needed?
If your knees are badly damaged by ar-
thritis or injury, it may become dif cult
to perform simple activities, like walking
or going up stairs. If medications, lifestyle
changes and other treatments do not re-
lieve your pain, you may want to consider
knee replacement surgery.
The No. 1 reason for knee replacement
is arthritis, according to the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). One common type, osteoarthritis,
occurs when the cartilage that cushions the bones of the knee wears away. The
bones then rub together, causing stiffness and pain.
Other popular reasons for knee replacement include having rheumatoid arthritis or
arthritis caused by a serious knee injury, such as a fracture or torn knee ligaments.
How is the surgery performed?
Total knee replacement surgery involves a surgeon replacing the surfaces of your
knee joint and kneecap with metal or plastic parts or a combination of both.
If only part of your knee joint is damaged, your doctor may recommend a partial
knee replacement. The partial procedure involves replacing only the damaged part.
What are the risks and benefits?
Before you decide to have surgery, it’s important to understand what it will and
will not do for you.
More than 90 percent of knee replacement patients experience a dramatic re-
duction in pain and a signi cant improvement in ability to perform daily activi-
ties, according to the AAOS.
But total knee replacement surgery will not enable you to do more than you
could before your knee became damaged. And at some point you may need to
have more surgery to x or replace the arti cial parts, reports the AAOS.
A new kind of
replacement knee
Patients can now receive the revolu-
tionary Vanguard XP Preserving Knee
replacement that works with a pa-
tient’s natural ligaments. This replace-
ment option differs from other total
knees that require the removal of the
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and
posterior cruciate ligament (PCL).
It is designed to preserve a healthy
ACL and PCL while incorporating
geometry that accommodates and
enables natural function of knee liga-
ments. Surgeons may be able to use
the Vanguard XP Knee, with the preser-
vation of the ACL and PCL, to naturally
provide stability and control in the knee.
The Vanguard XP Knee is intended
for individuals with osteoarthritis,
rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic arthritis,
correction of deformity or revision of a
previous joint replacement procedure;
however, not all arthritic patients or
those who need revision surgery are
Only an orthopedic surgeon can
tell you if you’re a candidate for knee
replacement surgery and, if so, which
implant is right for your specific needs.
Dr. Smith is one of the first
orthopedic surgeons in the region
to be using the Vanguard XP Knee
to help patients keep their healthy
knee ligaments.
You don’t have to put
up with a bad knee.
to find an orthopedic
provider and make an
appointment today!
Looking for a new lease on life?
Stephen Smith, MD
Northeast Nebraska
301 N. 27th St.
For an appointment,
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